
What's that

This tool provides a way to describe pictures. Image2DocInfo has been made to quickly and simply tag digital pictures. A GUI allows you to set different attributes for an image, and then stores them in XML files. Those XML files follow the Dublin Core naming scheme and are stored in the same directories than the pictures themselves.
Distincts tools (your file manager) permits to save on CD pictures with their descriptions, and to generate albums from the XML files (see provided sample script).
The tool itself is written using the python programming language, uses wxPython for its user interface, and the Python Imaging Library for image processing when generating a gallery. The lossless rotation of pictures is made through jhead and jpegtran tools.


This is still alpha software : you should only use it on your precious pictures AFTER having saved them.


For feedback, you can contact me directly (Norbidur__gmail__com) or use sourceforge tools on The home page for this project is
If you use Image2DocInfo and like it, drop me a line.
If you use Image2DocInfo and hate it, drop me a line.
If you can't install Image2DocInfo, drop me a line.
If you need more features, drop me a line.
If you find a bug, drop me a line.
If you can provide a translation, drop me a line.
If my english is poor on this page, drop me a line.


You can download Image2DocInfo from sourceforge. Current version is 0.1. It is the initial release.


See Image2docinfo in action.

Generate web album

With the generated XML files, you can for exemple generate a gallery with a provided script. This gallery is provided as a "teaser", it still has some problems with accented characters. This gallery shows you that you can use the directory name containing the original images (20030729 for example) as index, but also subject names that you stored with Image2docinfo (such as Vacances été 2003 or St-tropez).
This gallery has been made from the following directory structure.
To actually generate the web album, use the provided script.
The usage is the following :
python [-h] [-t thumbDir] [-p pixDir] [-w webDir]
[-c colNumber] [-r rowNumber] [-a thumbWidth] [-b thumbHeight]
[-x pixWidth] [-y pixHeight] [-t title] [-s subject1] srcDir dstDir
    -h help
    -t thumbDir name of thumbnail's directory default "thumb"
    -p pixDir name of pix's directory default "pix"
    -w webDir name of html's directory default "html"
    -c colNumber number of columns in generated html tables default 5
    -r rowNumber number of rows in generated html tables default 3
    -a thumbWidth max width of thumbnail default 120
    -b thumbHeight max heigth of thumbnail default 120
    -x pixWidth max width of thumbnail default 640
    -y pixHeight max heigth of thumbnail default 480
    -t title title of web pages
    -s subject a subject to index (any -s option)
    srcDir base dir of your pictures
    dstDir destination dir which must exist
The dstDir should be an empty existing directory, while the srcDir actually contains your digital images and docinfo.xml files (see this file for example). Lot of logs will be written to stdout : is still under development. When it has finished its job (can be loooong), you can copy the provided style.css file to srcdir/html.

User documentation

Launch it

To launch Image2DocInfo simply launch by double clicking on the file in your file manager.
You are then provided a screen with on the right side :
On the left side, you have 8 of the basic Dublin Core fields :
Two more fields are added :

Basic ideas of Image2DocInfo

You set the fields you want for the current picture. You can add keywords, which will be kept for the next session. When you choose another picture (either by using the Open.. button or the ok and next button), the fields you entered are kept. The idea behind that is that in the same folder you will probably have pictures of the same kind and so you will probably only have to change the title and description fields.

Supported languages and platforms

Currently only english and french languages are supported. Image2DocInfo works on linux and windows OS.

Generated files

In each directory that you use, a docinfo.xml file is created. It follows the following sample format :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<directory xmlns:dc="">
    <dc:Title>La baie de Saint-tropez</dc:Title>
    <dc:Subject>2003 hollydays</dc:Subject>
    <dc:Subject>My daughter</dc:Subject>
    <dc:Title>La baie de Saint-tropez</dc:Title>
    <dc:Subject>2003 hollydays</dc:Subject>
A config file containing the last meta data used, every creator and every subject used is saved :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<conf xmlns:dc="">
  <Subject>2003 hollydays</Subject>
  <Subject>The beach</Subject>
  <Subject>My daughter</Subject>
  <Creator>My daughter</Creator>
  <LastFile>Z:\images\Mes images\2003-08-06, Photo\Photo 284.jpg</LastFile>
    <dc:Title>Saint-Tropez beach</dc:Title>
    <dc:Description>Here we see boats.</dc:Description>
    <dc:Subject>2003 hollydays</dc:Subject>
    <dc:Subject>The beach</dc:Subject>

TO DO List



Required tools


Linux users will have no problem running those programs. With the debian distribution,
apt-get install wxpython
gives you eveything required to use Image2docInfo. To be able to use the "rotate" function, you need
apt-get install jhead
apt-get install libjpeg-progs

To use the script, you need also to
apt-get install python-imaging


I will soon (before end of january) provide an auto-installable package. Meantime you should manually install :

Tools I used to make Image2DocInfo Logo
Last modified: Fri Jan 21 00:17:37 +0100 2005